Take The SAFE Sens TrakStation Distributor Certification Test

In order to be certified as a distributor of the TrakStation® pH monitoring technology, a passing score of 85% or greater is required on the certification exam. The exam can be taken multiple times until a passing score is achieved.

Once you have passed the certification exam, a certificate on completion will be sent to you for your records. Distributor certification is effective for up to two years from the date of training and exam completion.


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1. Which of the following are true statements about SAFE Sens TrakStation components?


2. 30-minute continuous pH monitoring can be performed up to:


3. True or False: the SAFE Sens system uses the same technology as a pH electrode probe to determine pH


4. pH monitoring provides:


5. A benchtop humidified incubator is using a gas mixture including 8.2% carbon dioxide (CO2). The lab decides to change the % CO2 supplied from the previous 8.2% to 6.8% CO2. What can be expected to happen to the pH of a bicarbonate buffered culture media


6. A bicarbonate buffered culture medium is taken out of the bottle and placed in an sv2 sensor to equilibrate overnight in an incubator supplied with a gas mixture using 5% CO2. The media pH will:


7. The following variables can affect the true pH of culture media:


8. When should system alignment be performed using the qc2 tool?


9. Please identify the following pieces of SAFE Sens equipment:


10. Why is site standardization needed?


11. What are options for lab staff to access the data collected during pH monitoring?


12. Select the answer that accurately orders pH reference samples by best option, with the best option listed first left-to-right.
Example: Best, Second Best, Third Best

Sample 1:
One additional disposable sensor with 150µL of IVF medium to be read using a blood gas analyzer.

Sample 2:
The Certificate of Analysis (CoA) value after duplicating the CO2 settings from the certificate.

Sample 3:
A medium sample created and read similarly to your previously protocol for pH measurement (such as using a pH electrode probe).


13. True or False: Bending, twisting, compressing or pinching the fiber optic cable can irreparably break a Trakpod unit


14. Fully-prepared sensors can be saved and held for later use in future pH monitoring


15. What are the recommended oil volumes needed to cover media in an sv2 sensor?


16. What is the maximum number of Trakpods that can be attached to a TrakStation?


17. True or False: A full 24-hour equilibration time period results in a smoother site standardization and installation


18. True or False: The SAFE Sens continuous pH monitoring system requires pH calibration buffers


19. How many sensors are recommended to use for site standardization?


20. What cleaning solutions can be used on the sv2 sensors?


21. Which of the below is an acceptable use of sv2 sensors?


Question 1 of 21